I look after the marketing and advertising for several St James Place partners and associates and if I’m honest it is often a struggle getting things approved via their brand administrators. The financial rules and regulations have to be strict for obvious reasons but it can be somewhat frustrating from a creatives perspective.
So it was quite refreshing when I was asked to come up with something a bit different for an SJP client, Chelmer Wealth Management, with ads and social media banners that were a little bit quirky. Ads that you might not expect from a firm of financial advisors.
This series of ads were intended to grab attention and highlight some of the services that Chelmer Wealth Management offers it’s clients.
Whatever you may feel about them they do stand out and have generated interest for the client.
If you would like to stand out from the competition, do something a little bit differently, I would love to have a chat. Please get in touch.